Step 9: Deposit (article) metadata record (optional - depends on OA repository)


Trigger: archived repository done.

End result: origin metadata in Software Heritage is updated with link to article with software mention information, identifying authority as OA repository + CORE.

From the paper metadata:

  • paper_id => referencePublication
    • paper_title =>
    • author_name =>,
    • author_email =>

From the Softcite metadata:

  • software_mention_context
  • software_mention_attributes
  • software_repository_link => codeRepository

Action (deposit)

  1. Register an account on
  2. Acquire credentials as deposit client
  3. Prepare the metadata file for the deposit, which:
    1. Is composed of ONLY one Atom XML document.
    2. MUST comply with the metadata requirements:
      1. The schema/vocabulary used MUST be specified with a persistent url (DublinCore, DOAP, CodeMeta, etc.).
      2. The name of the software deposit MUST be provided [atom:title, codemeta:name, dcterms:title].
      3. The authors of the software deposit MUST be provided.
      4. The url representing the location of the source MAY be provided under the url tag. The url will be used for creating an origin object in the archive.
      5. The create_origin tag SHOULD be used to specify the URL of the origin to create (otherwise, a fallback is created using the slug, or a random string if missing).
      6. The description of the software deposit SHOULD be provided [codemeta:description]: short or long description of the software.
      7. The license/s of the software deposit SHOULD be provided [codemeta:license].
      8. Other metadata MAY be added with terms defined by the schema in use.
    3. MUST reference the origin in a deposit tag.
    4. Reference SHOULD exist in the SWH archive.
  4. Push the metadata-only deposit through an authenticated (username/password) POST request to[client_name]/ with Atom file as form data.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns=""
  <codemeta:name>The assignment problem</codemeta:name>
  <codemeta:identifier>other identifier, DOI, ARK</codemeta:identifier>
      <swh:origin url=''/>

Example using Atom with CodeMeta

curl -i -u hal:<pass> \
     -F "atom=@atom-entry.xml;type=application/atom+xml;charset=UTF-8" \
     -H 'In-Progress: false' \

Example of POST request