
This documentation will assist service providers, mainly OA repositories, to provide a new service to authors that want to seamlessly connect their articles with an archived instance of their software source code.

The use cases

UC1: A researcher references software in their article and would like to have tools to easily link and archive their software output on the metadata record

UC2: An OA repository manager wants to provide a software reference service to their users with the assistance of CORE’s harvest

These use cases are aligned with the Open Science vision to create interoperability in the scholarly ecosystem and provide tools and infrastructure for reproducible research.

The sequence diagrams

The full workflow sequence diagram

The sequence diagram below is the nominal scenario of the full workflow.

sequenceDiagram Participant Research team Participant Forge Participant OA Repository Participant CORE Participant SWH Research team->>Forge: 1. share sw on forge's repo Research team->>OA Repository: 2. deposit manuscript opt moderation alt revision required ###### OA Repository-->> Research team: 2.1.1 request for modification Research team->> OA Repository: 2.1.2 provide response else rejection OA Repository-->>Research team: 2.2 notify reasons for rejection end end OA Repository->>Research team: 2.1.3 notify publication OA Repository->>OA Repository: 2.3 expose article metadata in OAI-PMH CORE->>OA Repository: 3.1 harvest metadata (OAI-PMH) OA Repository-->>CORE: Dublin Core metadata CORE->>CORE: 3.2 extract software mention (detailed in CORE flow sequence) CORE->>OA Repository: 4. notify validation request OA Repository->>Research team: 5.1 send mention validation request alt full-acceptance Research team-->>OA Repository: 5.2.1 accept mentions OA Repository-->>CORE: send acceptance CORE->>CORE: mark mention as validated else if partial acceptance (with rectifications) Research team-->>OA Repository: 5.2.2 rectify mentions on form OA Repository->>OA Repository: update record in OA OA Repository-->>CORE: send new properties CORE->>CORE: mark changes else reject or no-reply Research team-->>OA Repository: 5.2.3 reject mentions OA Repository-->>CORE: send rejection CORE->>CORE: mark mention as rejected end OA Repository->>SWH: 6 trigger software archive using API SWH-->>Forge: 7. visit code repo and capture last snapshot OA Repository->>SWH: 8.1 request dir SWHID using URL SWH-->>OA Repository: return SWHID OA Repository-->>Research team: 8.2 Show SWHID on article record OA Repository-->>OA Repository: 8.3 Add SWHID in Dublin Core metadata OA Repository->>SWH: (optional) 9 deposit metadata related to URL

A research team develops software in a software forge (e.g. GitHub, Gitlab, etc.) using a dedicated code repository. This software is related to the article written by the research team.

The research team, represented by the corresponding author or the deposit contributor, deposits the manuscript and its associated metadata into one or more Open Access (OA) repositories, possibly triggering a moderation process to ensure uniqueness and cohesion.

If successful, OA repository metadata is later indexed by CORE, using OAI-PMH protocol.

The metadata and manuscript is processed by the CORE system, including the CHARS component, the CORE File System servers and the ML model component which returns a TEI/XML file with mentions.

CORE will push the TEI/XML and full text to the validation module. The validation module sends validation request to OA repository which in turn will notify the corresponding author, representing the research team.

The corresponding author will have the possibility to validate the request.

If validated, the OA repository will proceed in the archival of the software through Software Heritage and will expose the appropriate SWHID.

The CORE components sequence diagram

Pre-conditions: repository manager accepts notifications about mentions. The acceptance is possible using the CORE repository dashboard.

The sequence diagram below is specific to the different components necessary in the CORE service backend.

sequenceDiagram Participant Research team Participant OA repository Participant Validation module Participant CHARS Participant CORE File Servers Participant ML model OA repository->>OA repository: 2.3 exposes Dublin Core metadata for OAI-PMH protocol CHARS->>OA repository: 3.1 indexes OAI-PMH metadata alt manuscript link exposed CHARS->>OA repository: 3.2.1 fetch manuscript corpus periodically CHARS->>CORE File Servers: archives metadata and full text CORE File Servers->>ML model: send full text for processing ML model->>ML model: processing full text to TEI/XML ML model->>CORE File Servers: push TEI/XML data CORE File Servers->>Validation module: push TEI/XML with paper metadata record Validation module->>OA repository: validation request OA repository->>Research team: request for validation end